CAR's address:
CAR SRL - via
Piemonte 2 - 20040 Busnago - MI - Italy
- tel.+39.39.6959161
r.a. - fax +39.39.6957330
to reach us:
Mainroad A4 Torino-Milano-Venezia (Turin-Milan-Venice)
Exit Trezzo sull’Adda:
- direction Monza-Vimercate;
- prosecute for about 8 Km;
- cross the “Iper” Megastore of Busnago;
- go streight on for 2 rotundas
- at the 3rd rotunda, turn on the left
- the first street on the right is Piemonte Street: after 100 metres, turn on the right, then stop your car in the first parking after the gate.
Exit Cavenago Brianza:
- turn on the left after the Exit;
- at the traffic-light, turn on the left;
- direction Busnago;
- follow the road straight on and cross two traffic-lights;
- prosecute for about 4 Km;
- at the third traffic-light, turn on the right and prosecute for about 3 Km;
- turn on the right (Lombardia Street) when you see a big sign of “Risthotel Pianura Inn”;
- the first street on the right is Piemonte Street: after 100 metres, turn on the right, then stop your car in the first parking after the gate.
Exit Agrate Brianza:
- direction Vimercate (Mainroad Tangenziale Est for 2 Km);
- exit Vimercate Sud;
- direction Trezzo-Bergamo, prosecute for about 8 Km;
- turn on the right (Lombardia Street) at the ROTONDA after the sign board “Busnago”;
- the first street on the right is Piemonte Street: after 100 metres, turn on the right, then stop your car in the first parking after the gate.
