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P. 12

Automatic expansions mandrels                                                                                          Mandrels type EMO

                          type COLMER “S”
                          Diameter range: 115 ÷ 500 mm


                                         Extension stone-holder  Extension stone-holder
                                           and shoes type "N"     and shoes type "NN"
                                                                                                                                      EMO are very versatile Mandrels,
                                                                                                                                      they use expansion heads type       Mandrel Code           Honing diameters      Max length (standard)
                                                                                                                                      COLMER so they have the same
                     Stone set "R7"                                                                 Stone set "R7"                    honing diameters range. EMO
                                                                                                                                      Mandrels are assembled onto vertical
                                                                                                                                      and horizontal honing machines and
                                                                                                                                      can achieve honing  lengths until
                                     Steadiness rotation support                                                                      4 mt., using personalized extension
                                              type "S"                                                                                bars which have “sphere” and
                                                                                                                                      “flanged” connections (see pictures
                 EXPANSION SYSTEM “N” AND “S” TO HONE DIAMETER OVER 139 MM                                                            below).

                 Picture                     Code             Description
                                              N 90             Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 115 ÷ 175 mm
                                              N 100            Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 165 ÷ 225 mm
                                              N 110            Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 215 ÷ 300 mm                                                                 B
                                              N 120            Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 280 ÷ 380 mm                                                                                                                          A
                                              N 130            Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 360 ÷ 450 mm
                                              N 140            Extension stone-holder and shoes ø 435 ÷ 500 mm
                                              S 500            Steadiness rotation support ø 165 ÷ 225 mm
                                              S 600            Steadiness rotation support ø 215 ÷ 300 mm
                                              S 700            Steadiness rotation support ø 280 ÷ 380 mm
                                              S 800            Steadiness rotation support ø 360 ÷ 450 mm
                                              S 900            Steadiness rotation support ø 435 ÷ 500 mm

                                              R7               Stones set and guides ø 115 ÷ 500 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DETAIL A
                                                                                                                                                                          DETAIL  B
                                                                         Series of extension
                                                  Series of extension                           Serie of Rotation
                Honing Diameter range                                    stone-holder and shoes                                                                                            DETTAGLIO B
                                                  stone-holder and shoes                        Supports type “S”                                                                          SCALA 2 : 4.2
                Ø  115 ÷ 175 mm                   N 90                   NN 90                  ---

                Ø  165 ÷ 225 mm                   N 100                  NN 100                 S 500
                Ø  215 ÷ 300 mm                   N 110                  NN 110                 S 600

                Ø  280 ÷ 380 mm                   N 120                  NN 120                 S 700                                    A
                Ø  360 ÷ 450 mm                   N 130                  NN 130                 S 800
                                                                                                                                                              DETAIL   A                                               DETAIL B
                Ø  435 ÷ 500 mm                   N 140                  NN 140                 S 900

                                                                                                                                                              DETTAGLIO A
                                                                                                                                                              SCALA 2 : 4.2

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