Page 14 - CAR - Levigatori ENG
P. 14
Nominal Diamond Tools
Diamond Tools (Reamers/Single Strokes) with “nominal”
diameter, manufactured for specific Customer’s requirements,
they permit very high stock removal for each honing pass, for
thousands of worked pieces.
They are carried out for the exact diameter to hone, for the exact
lengths, for a specific stock removal to effect on the bore
(up to 0,2 mm to each pass) and established final surface
finishing to obtain (up to Ra 0.1)
This Tools guarantee micro-millesimal geometry precision, they
are the best solution for medium-high production levels, and
they can be assembled onto any type of Honing Machine, any
Machine tool multi-mandrel or pillar-type Drills.
With Progressive honing, this tools permit to create working
cycles with pre-defined stock removal stations and constant and
repetitive final result, for the TOP of productivity.
This Diamond tools, following the specific and preference
Customers’ application, are manufactured with any Diamond/
CBN Grit, and with Sinterized Sleeves (Reamers Ø min. 5 mm)
or Electro-coated Sleeves (Single Strokes Ø min. 2 mm).
34 CAR s.r.l. - Italy - Tel. +39 039.69 59 161 - Fax +39 039.69 57 330 - E-mail: -